QHSE - Suasa Benua Sukses
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Safety Of Our Operation Is Our Top Priority

At PT Suasa Benua Sukses we took Safety seriously. By certified by international and national standards, SBS committed to protecting its operation Safety , Health and Environment very strictly. Our QHSE Policy helps us monitor and protect safety, health, environmental, reliability and efficiency within our operations.

Our Policies :

PT SUASA BENUA SUKSES undertakes to give first priority to Quality, Health, Safety & Environment when carrying out its activities.

It is the policy that PT SUASA BENUA SUKSES  Does not tolerates any form Alcohol and Drug Abuse no matter how minor an incident it is within our operation.

The Medical Check Up policy, a policy that monitor health and requires our employee who work in PT SUASA BENUA SUKSES have to met certain minimum requirement.